Monday, June 16, 2008

Six months on - Hezel's reflections on the Bali Conference

Q1. What were the key things you learnt from your experience in Bali?

First I learned to manage my time and take care of myself. I also learned how to prepare and talk to people during a conference. My most important learning is the sad condition of our mother earth and there are rich nations contributing more to global warming. It is encouraging, however, to know tat children like me can help slow down or minimize global warming no matter how small our contribution could be.

Q2. How has your participation in the Bali process changed your views and behaviour?

Some changes actually happened to me while preparing for the Bal conference. As the President of Paraiso Active Youth and Children’s organization (PAYCO), I used to telling my ideas ang making decisions for our children’s organization. Now I seek and consider the views of our group members on what I would share in Bali.

During the conference, I realized how huge was the problem on global warming and its frightening effects to the children like me as well as the future generations. But even though global warming is very discouraging, I know children like me can also help.

Before going to Bali, we just help our community during coastal clean up, tree planting and waste management. But now I know that we have to share the information on global warming to other people and ask our government officials to have programs and projects to prevent global warming

Q3. Since Bali, have you done anything with your friends/school/family on climate change related issues?

I shared my experiences and learnings in Bali to my family and friends. Then I attended our Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC) meeting and shared my experiences with the village officials. As a result, our BCPC Chair hlped us to request seedlings from our mayor and he even helped us in our tree planting. The elementary school principal also allowed us to use portion of the school where to plant our seedlings as well as an area for our proposed seedlings nursery. I was also invited to talk during one session of our municipal leaders. Children’s groups in other municipalities have also invited me to talk during their “Baragatan Kabataan” (Children’s Gathering). I have shared to them all the learning from my Bali experience and asked to help or support projects against global warming.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Eni's story since attending COP13 in Bali in December 2007

There are so many thing that I have gained after attending the UN climate change conference in Bali last year.

One of them is to have the chance to speak in an international forum. Other than that, we also had the chance to see the negotiations that took place by the delegates around the world in the forum. We even had the change to ask questions to the delegates on the affects of the changing climate to children rights all over the world.

From this experience, I realize that even the smallest things that we do can make a large impact to our environment.

Climate change is a global issue that has a huge impact in our daily lives. Most of the people where I live in Indonesia are farmers. Right now, our farmers are puzzled in determining the time to plant the rice. Climate change has indirectly caused harvest failure and thus reducing our income. For example, my mother right now is having difficulties in paying my tuition.

From above example, one question that comes into my mind is “Can we just sit still and not do anything?”. Choosing to be silent or not doing anything while watching this is the same as to make this thing last forever and make things worst. It is true that our government, I think, has not yet shown that it can tackle climate change. But, I will not just sit still and wait.

Couple of things that I have done after the Bali conference is:

  1. Socialization of Climate Change to my friends.

Minimum knowledge of my friend’s around climate change issues is still a challenge that we faced today. For that reason, me and my friends conducted socialization on the danger and impact of climate change to our families, friends in school, friends in the village, and also my friends in the youth groups. The main point is to invite them to do something for our environment.

  1. Tree plantation

Socialization without positive action is nothing. I and my friends organize a tree plantation activity in a sub district called Pulokulon. We selected this village because there is a water spring that is used by the surrounding communities for clean water, with population of more then 100,000 people that is benefiting this spring. We did this to protect our source of water for us and generations to come.

3. I also trained 15 children in 3 villages to reuse their waste and convert it to other products that we can use, such as dolls and photo frames. They also commit to reduce their plastic consumption to minimum.

From the small things that I have done, I believe and positive that it can leads to greater things.


Saturday, December 8, 2007

Bali COP13 Youth Delegate Thomas from Middlesbrough, UK

Hi I’m Thomas from the UK I am 16 years old and live in a town called Middlesbrough. I am very much looking forward to my trip to Bali, taking in the culture but also to challenge decision makers so that young people have a voice in climate change and the decisions made during the UN Climate Conference. I am really looking forward to sharing my ideas with children and young people from other countries and to see what they have to say on climate change. It will be really exciting to meet officials from different countries and see how they plan to include children’s voices. You can all see my journey from this blog that I will write whilst away and I hope to up date it when I can but my time in Bali is very full with events from the UNFCCC!

December 4th, 2007
After arriving in Bali on the Tuesday night we set straight away to getting to our rooms to sleep and to finding out what was coming the following day. Tuesday awoke with a realisation of just how hot I was going to be for the rest of our stay here in Bali. We Lucy and I set to breakfast to meet Baltz the team leader of the group and Hope and Hazel the young member from the Philippines. Eni and her chaperone Vera who had travelled in from Indonesia were all in the reception ready to travel down to Nusa Dua in Bali where the conference centre is to get our I D cards for our stay here, these would allow us to travel anywhere inside the conference hall.

December 5th, 2007
The Wednesday was mainly an Introduction to meet the NGOs and the delegates from the countries around the world. As well to be informed of where all the side events were taking place. After taking in all the information possible and the realisation of where I was Lucy and me headed back to the hotel to wind down.

December 6th, 2007
Thursday came around and the group met the last delegate of our team from Sweden, which were Hanna and her chaperone Sara who was a teacher at her local school. We all set off for the Grand Hyatt in a local taxi. We were heading there because we were officially meeting staff from the Institute of Development Studies who are partners in the project; they were our influence to get us lobbying the decision makers here in Bali. From there we got to find out how the other 4 young people including myself won a place to come to the UN Climate Conference.

We attended a side event to see how many countries were affected by climate change and what was happening to adapt to the many problems that face the world, I found this interesting as it made me see the true affects it has on the less developed countries of this world. We then went to another side event at 8 o clock that was for young people and what they were doing in this world to influence adults on how they make their decisions. A group that I warmed to was called the Solar generation that did many things like stopping coal factories from exporting by shutting down a plant for 7 hours. We then headed back to the hotel to prepare for the following day.

December 7th, 2007
After been interviewed yesterday for the national paper of Bali the Jakarta news, the group had successfully achieved making the front page. We worked hard in the morning to create some questions that we could ask the delegates of other countries so that we could get a wide spread opinions what adults are doing in their home countries to include the voice of young people. Our first delegate from UNICF we questioned told us her thoughts of the conference and if young peoples views were important, but I found that she didn’t have a lot to say considering she was from a children’s organisation. We carried on from there with the interviews and as the day draw to a close we as members of the conference were invited to the presidents party to eat and drink and to celebrate. This rounded off the day in style and I was just happy to be a part of a good thing.

Overall so far I have realised that the actions that are carried out from people in the Developed countries have a negative affect on the less developed countries and there for it hit me to push for young people to influence theh decision makers.

Bali COP13 Youth Delegate Eni from Grobogan, Central Java-Indonesia

HI, I am Eni, 18 years old from Grobogan, Central Java-Indonesia, and I am participating in the UNFCCC COP 13 in Bali

Desember 6, 2006
Hari ini adalah hari pertama aku mengikuti kegiatan UNCCC di Bali. Hari ini adalah yang paling melelahkan karena kegiatan berlangsung mulai dari pagi hingga malam tapi aku tidak sendirian, ada Hezel (Philipina), Hanna (Sweden), Thomas (UK). Kegiatan pertama yang aku lakukan di UNCCC bali adalah mendengarkan presentasi dari negara Asia dan the Pasifik, tentang up in smoke. Dari presentasi tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa, yang banyak menyebabkan dampak dari global warming/climate chage adalah dari negara maju, sehingga yang merasakan dampak dari climate change tersebut adalah negara berkembang. Untuk itu negara maju merasa bersalah, sehingga negara maju mau bertanggung jawab atas apa yang sudah mereka perbuat dengan bantuan uang dunia. Nah inilah session yang menarik dalam presentasi tersebut. Untuk side event kedua, tentang “Fighting for our future” waw………heboh banget karena yang presentasi adalah dari organisasi seluruh dunia, dengan semangat yang membara. Nah dari situlah aku termotivasi ingin masuk dalam salah satu organisasi tersebut. Hal terpenting yang aku dapatkan dari kegiatan UNCCC adalah “SEMANGAT”

English Translation
Today is the first day for me in Bali. I come here to attend UNCCC. The first day is the most exhausting because it begins in the morning until the night but I am not alone; there are Hezel from Philippines, Hanna from Sweden, Thomas from UK. First thing to do at UNCCC is to attend the presentation from Asian and Pacific countries (up in smoke session). I have made the conclusion that the developed countries has caused the climate change the most and that the least developed and developing countries that suffers from the impact. Therefore, the rich country feels guilty and they want to take responsibility on what they have been done by giving the fund. That is really interesting. The second session that I attended was “Fighting for our Future”… wow… it was really cool because they come from all over the world with good spirit. It inspires me to join one of the organizations. The lesson learn of the day is “KEEP IT WITH HIGH SPIRIT ! ”.

December 7, 2007

Yesterday, aku merasa takut dan tertekan ….. tidak terlintas di benakku ternyata banyak sekali orang yang mengikuti UNCCC di Bali. Mereka serius banget. Tapi aku enjoy dan merasa puas, sewaktu ikut kegiatan diskusi dengan teman-temanku dari berbagai negara mengenai isu dari climate change yang terpenting di mata anak, karena aspirasiku bisa tersalurkan juga. Selain itu, aku diberi kesempatan langka untuk interview dengan orang-orang dari berbagai negara tentang konferensi ini. Uh. Seru bangetzzzzzz……Harapanku kegiatan di UNCCC ini bermanfaat dan tidak terlalu menegangkan.

English Translation
Yesterday, I felt so afraid and depressed…. It never across in my mind that there will be a lot of people attend the UNCC Conference in Bali. They look really really serious. But I enjoyed it and felt satisfied when me and my friends from other countries discussed about what are the most important issues in climat change from a child perspective because I can finnaly expres my feelings. Beside that, I have a rare opportunity to interview people from different countries about the conference… it is really coollllllll……..I hope that the activity at the UNFCC bring benefit and not too tense.

December 8, 2007
Hari ini, aku belajar tentang persiapan menghadapi konferensi press. Aku paling senang saat menyaksikan film-film seputar climat change. Selain itu, yang dapat dipelajari dari film tersebut dalam sosialisasi tidak hanya dilakukan lewat penyuluhan tapi juga dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan media film.

English Translation
Today, I learnt how to prepare for the press conference. I really like the next activity which is film festival about the climate change. I learnt from the film festival that we can use the film as media of socialization instead of common campaign.

December 9, 2007
Hari ini, free day. Kegiatan yang aku lakukan bersama teman-teman adalah mengunjungi pasar Sukowati, makan siang di restoran Bebek Bengil di Ubud kemudian dilanjutkan ke Monkey Forest and diakhiri di Tanah Lot untuk melihat tenggelamnya matahari. Perasaan ku hari ini agak boring soalnya waktu belanja lebih sedikit dari pada saat berada di Monkey Forest. Dinner pun telat demikian juga tidur karena kami harus melakukan latihan menghadapi konferensi press. Aku merasa waktu istirahat tersita karena harus melakukan latihan tersebut. Meskipun capek, aku harus mengikuti kegiatan sampai selesai.

English Translation
Today is a free day. We visited the market in Sukowati, lunch at Bebek Bengil Restaurant in Ubud and then continue to Monkey Forest and end up at Tanah lot to see the sunset. My feeling today is a bit bored because the time allocated for shopping is shorter than for the Monkey forest. The dinner was also late so we also have to practice for the press conference late. I felt that it took my resting time. Even I felt very tired; I followed the activity to the end.

December 10, 2007
Pagi ini cuaca mendung, suasana tidak mendukung. Sama halnya dengan hatiku yang terkungkung. Di Grand Hyatt bersama staff IDS (Tom and Thom), Blatz, Hope, Anto, Lucy, Sara, Emily dan ke tiga delegasi anak (Thomas, Hezel, dan Hanna) beserta mbak Vera yang selalu menemaniku setiap waktu, kami melakukan simulasi untuk konferensi press yang akan diadakan jam 11. Konferensi press ini adalah moment terpenting dalam hidupku. Dari kegiatan tersebut, aku mulai membuka mata dan hati bahwa dunia tak selebar daun kelor. Sebagai delegasi anak Indonesia, aku merasa bangga dan aku harus yakin pada potensi dan kemampuan yang aku miliki karena tidak semua anak punya kesempatan seperti yang aku dapatkan. Aku berharap semua orang bisa mengetahui tentang global warming. Tidak hanya mengerti tetapi juga harus melakukan sesuatu untuk meminimalisir dampak yang terjadi serta meredam laju kenaikan suhu bumi. Supaya bumi tetap aman dan nyaman. Juga sebagai warisan untuk anak cucu kita kelak.

English Translation
Today is a cloudy morning and the atmosphere is not as bright as they used to. Somehow, the weather affects my mood today. At Grand Hyatt, IDS staff (Tom and Thom), Blatz, Hope, Anto, Lucy, Sara, Emily and the three of under 18 delegate (Thomas, Hezel, dan Hanna) and Vera who always be there for me every time, we practice for press conference which will be held at 11 am. This press conference is an important moment in my life. It has opened my eyes and made me realize that the world that we lives in is not a small place. As children delegate from Indonesia, I felt so proud and I have to feel confident with myself because not all the children in Indonesia get the same opportunity as I have. I wish all the people know about the global warming. Not only to understand but also to do something to minimize the impact and to slow down the global warming. Therefore the earth can be a secure and comfortable place to live in. Also, become a place for our future generation.

December 11, 2007
Pagi hari yang cerah. Hatiku ketar-ketir. Aku acungkan jempol untuk menggapai mimpi dunia. Banyak hal yang aku pelajari di UNCCC. Salah satunya adalah menyampaikan aspirasi serta ikut berpartisipasi dalam mencegah perubahan iklim. Apapun yang aku lakukan adalah semata-mata karena kewajiban dan masa depan anak-anak.

English Translation
It is a sunny morning! I give two thumbs up for all of our efforts to reach our dreams for a better world. I learnt so many things in this UNCCC. One of them is how to voice out our concern in the climate change, as children. What we have done are merely for the future of our generations and generations to come.

Bali COP13 Youth Delegate Hanna from Stockholm, Sweden

Hanna, 16, is from Stockholm in Sweden. A green campaigner in her home country, Hanna wants politicians to give young people a chance to influence the climate debate. “After all, Hanna says, “the decisions made in Bali will affect me more than those actually making the decisions”.

Hanna is participating at the UNFCCC COP13 in Bali this week, and is sharing her views of the negotiations taking place:

Hello! 10 December (Monday)

Today was the D-day, the day for the press conference! I was really nervous when I woke up at half past 6. We left the hotel at about twenty past 8 and took a taxi to the BICC (Bali International Conference Centre). Well there, everybody soon spread out to practice their press statements. We all wanted to know them so well that we could seem as secure as possible up on the stage (I think I practised it about 7 times myself…).
Then came finally the time to start. When we were all set in our chairs, Hope began introducing us. By then I had became so nervous I was shivering and praying to any available god/saint/power that no-one would notice it. My turn to speak came. And went just as fast. I’d survived!!! Though, journalists asked a few strange questions, but luckily enough we didn’t have time to answer them all.
Afterwards, we were all chased down by about 3 journalists each who interviewed us in different ways, I was interviewed by a reporter from the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet (Swedish Daily News) which was quite good because that’s a big, serious paper back home. It wasn’t nearly as hard as I thought it would be, very relaxed actually. They were really good at making you feel confident about yourself, which was needed!
All I could feel after this was relief. Relief over that it was over, relief over that I didn’t make any mistakes.

Today was also, unfortunately, the day to say goodbye to Thomas and Lucy. They are leaving on Tuesday, 11/12, which is very sad. I’ll miss them.
So, we gathered on a wonderful restaurant on the beach. The view was inexplicably beautiful! After running a bit by the water (we all got soaked by the high waves), we formed a circle to thank each other for the week. Thomas decided he wanted to say something specific about every one of us; I got “very lady-like…and very laid-back” which I thought was really funny.

When we came back to the hotel, I and Sara joined up with Lucy and Thomas to have a last doughnut together, a very nice, but also sad goodbye. I hope we’ll meet again!

I fell asleep with the thought that this was the best day so far, despite the nervousness and sadness.

Tomorrow will be the last day for the rest of us, but more about that then…


Hai! 9th December (Sunday)

Today was our day off from the conference. Anto had made up a schedule for us to go to many different parts of the island and see many things (so far, we’ve only seen the hotel and the conference centre…).

The first stop was a traditional Balinese market. We split up into groups and made sure that every group contained someone that knew how to bargain so that we wouldn’t get swindled. I and Sara spent the first 30 minutes wandering around quietly, not wanting to be approached by any salesperson. It was all so very different from our European shopping habit, we were actually quite frightened… But soon the inhibitions loosened and we bought some things for our friends at home.

We then went to a lovely restaurant called Bebek Bengil (The Dirty Duck). Most of us had duck which was really good. After photographing almost everything, the mini-coaches came to get us to the next event; the monkey forest!

We all got a couple of bananas to give to the little creatures, which turned out to be quite scary (with nasty, big, pointy teeth). I was even chased by one, I had a banana in my hand, which jumped at me and tried to take it. That was a bit traumatic and I accidentally screamed. Really embarrassing. We then stopped and sat down to play some friend-games beneath a gigantic tree that must have been hundreds of years old. It was very hot sitting still for so long, but it was nice.

The last visit was to Tanah Lot, a temple on a little island a bit out in the sea. Though we didn’t actually go out to it, we stayed on the shore. But that was enough. The sunset was amazing!

We were supposed to have dinner after that, but we were all so tired we just went back to the hotel. A lovely (and well-needed) day!


Hej! 8th December (Saturday)

The day didn’t start too well. I woke up with a terrible stomach ache, had problems with eating breakfast and had to go back to bed while the others were working on their blogs. It seemed like I needed to sleep – I slept until lunch time!

We then went to a really nice place called the Lucky Duck to eat. It was relaxing and gave me a chance to talk to the other youths. I gave them all a t-shirt with the name of my college on it. It was a great idea to bring them since they got so happy.

In the afternoon we went to a small film festival as a side event. Thomas (from the U.K.) had produced a DVD for the competition as well as the runner up. We had to sit in front of the audience. I was so nervous! But it went really well, I even made everyone laugh (though unintentionally)!
I felt so relaxed afterwards. Performing wasn’t too bad after all. Now I’m much more confident and less nervous about the press conference on Monday. I think I can make it!



Hello Sweden! 7 December (Thursday)

Hej! Today has been an intense day. We children formed a group to discuss the consequences of climate change for children in each country represented. I can just admit that Swedish children will not be as affected as the ones in the developing countries… Except for rising sea levels and less snow in the winters I think that Sweden will do just fine. In the afternoon we met a great challenge: to interview persons at the Bali International Conference Centre, where the COP is hosted. It was hard work to approach foreign adult persons that you never spoken to before! But I did it! I talked to the organization Women in Europe for a Common Future about bringing in children into important decision making processes and they (she) thought it was a great idea. She worked with promoting renewable energy resources and to prevent countries from using nuclear energy. Since women and children are extra sensitive to nuclear radiation. I also talked to the SEI, the Swedish Environmental Institute that are trying to build a bridge between research and politics. They have lots of issues on their agenda, like energy and water. She thought it was important to have present in processes like the COP. “Children are often forgotten”, was one of her comments. Her suggestions was e.g. a side event with and for children and maybe a forum that is in indirect contact with the government will increase the understanding for involving children in these processes. Busy, busy, straight after the interviews I zoomed off to a media briefing with the Swedish negotiators. It was really interesting! I learned that the negotiations are going ok. Since Australia signed the Kyoto Protocol the US has really changed their attitude. They admitted that it is a total different feeling at the negotiations now. One problem still remaining is that the OPEC-countries are trying their hardest to make their voice heard. They want to have some sort of economic support or plan for not selling oil… A hard nut to crack! But I’m sure all the smart negotiators can come up with something – the have another energy resource to sell, the sun! After the Swedish meeting we were invited to a cocktail party by the Indonesian President! The food was great! Best Wishes, Hanna

December 6th, 2007 (Wednesday)

Today was my first day at the Bali Conference. I’ve met the other youths and we’ve started to get to know each other. They all seem really nice! We have quite different views on climate change though. I’ve understood that we in Sweden have a relatively global vision on the problem, probably because we won’t be effected very much of it. The others think more locally which will make the discussions interesting. We haven’t actually begun with all our given tasks, but mostly gone through the goals UN have for the coming weeks and for what we are doing. The only relevant point on today’s programme was a session about the effect of climate change on poverty. Unfortunately I was so jet-lagged that I had a hard time listening. Later tonight we are attending a session of all the youth organisations in the conference. It’s going to be really interesting! Just hope I can stay awake this time… ‘til next time… //Hanna

Bali COP13 Youth Delegate Hezel from Masbate, Philippines

Hezel’s Reflections: Children and Climate Change

Hezel Tis 15 years old from Masbate, an island province in the Philippines. She is in third year secondary school and a leader of a local children’s association, the Paraiso (Paradise) Active Youth/Children’s Organization. She is the youngest of 5 siblings, her mother is an elementary school teacher and her father, a utility worker in the same elementary school.

Hezel is participating at the UNFCCC COP13 in Bali this week, and is sharing her views with us of the negotiations taking place:

6 Dec. 2007

This is the first formal day for everyone. It is a great opportunity that I am able to participate in this conference. We are all happy getting to know each other. I am happy that I was able to tell everyone, especially in the media interview, the situation of children in our village and what I will do in the conference. Even though I am shy and cannot speak English well, I was able to share with everyone the views and opinions of Filipino children about climate change. The first side event I attended is Up in Smoke? Asia and the Pacific. From this, I remembered the situation of farmers in our province. There is failure of crops due to climate change and many children are not able to go to school because they have to work because their parents’ income is not enough. I got very tired attending the side event: Fighting for our Future, because it finished late at night. But I am very interested in this side event because I saw how children can participate in doing something about global warming and climate change and that children need to have a voice in the fight against global warming and climate change.

7 Dec. 2007

I woke up late because I was very tired from what we did yesterday. I am happy because we had a good sharing of ideas in Mr. Tom Tanner and Mr. Tom Mitchell’s place. It is a like a big family in one house. I am glad Thomas, Hannah, Eni and I had a good conversation on the effects of climate change to children in each of our countries. We prepared and practiced for interviewing other people.

We had an expensive lunch which according to Ms. Vera is equivalent to one month’s budget for food of many poor people.

We attended the Plenary Session about the Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2007. According IPCC, people are certified involved in climate change. It says that in year 1993 to 2003 the sea level rose by 3.1 meters per year. And the effect of this is: increased global cyclone, ground instability and many natural systems are affected. The causes of climate change are: solar change, volcanic eruption, greenhouse gas, aerosols and land cover. I also learned that Philippines is likely to have a runoff due to increase in high latitudes.

I was able to interview three people. First one is working on solar generation. I interviewed Abb and Ivy of Greenpeace from Philippines and Indonesia. Ivy said that children should have a voice in this conference because we are the owners of the future. The second interview is with Shira Yoffe of United States Agency for Information and Development. She said that they do a lot of activities like reducing pollution and lots of programs on educating people to be more able to adapt to climate change. The third interview is with Caroline of Convention on Biological Diversity. She said that there is more rain and many compounds flooded because of climate change. Their government tries to have many programs; they build more stronger houses so that houses are not affected by typhoon. I also tried to interview someone from China but he said, “No, no I am busy.”

I had a chance to interview the authors of the Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2007 but I know they are busy and that there are many people who would like to interview them. It would a good opportunity to interview them.

For me it is not difficult to interview people because in our village I had interviewed some of our government officials. But it is very challenging for me because it is my first time to interview people from other countries.

8 Dec. 2007

We had a meeting and reflection session on what happened the past days. I’m happy that I am not shy to speak. I shared with our group what I learned from my interviews.

The activities are very tiring. Back home I sleep at eight in the evening and wake up at four in the morning. Here, I sleep late in the evening and wake up before eight in the morning that is why I am always sleepy.

After our meeting we had lunch at Lucky Duck Food Organic restaurant before going to Conrad Hotel for the Climate Change Film Festival. Balinese food is very delicious!

We practiced for the conference while waiting for the film festival to begin. We prepared all possible questions that will be asked and our answers to these. Good that we practiced or else I will not be able to talk (joke!). I am happy when others say that I am doing well more so when they say what I still need to do.

After the practice we proceeded to the Climate Change Film Festival. Thomas showed the video he made about climate change. Tom Mitchell asked the four of us to sit in front of the audience. He told the audience that they have to ask questions as preparation for our press conference. I was a little nervous because we were suddenly asked to be in a press conference-like situation. But this helped me a lot because now I am less nervous about the press conference.

After Thomas’ film showing we watched another video about disaster risk reduction. It is nice to see a film with puppets talking about what to do to prevent disasters during floods and landslides. What I saw in this video is the same as what our organization is doing in my village. I remembered my fellow members in our children’s organization and wondered about what they are doing there now.

We went back to Goodway Hotel to prepare for the dinner meeting of NGOs and Philippine Government Delegation. The meeting was held in Jimbaran overlooking the sea. I had an opportunity to talk to government officials in the Philippine delegation especially to Mrs. Bernarditas Muller. She is the chief negotiator for financing of the Group of 77 (G77), these are developing and least developed countries that are affected by climate change. The meeting ended around 12 midnight. Although I am tired I am not so sleepy because it is nice to hear what NGOs and government are talking about the environment.

10 Dec. 2007

Yehey!!! This is the day I am waiting for. I cannot explain what I feel. All of us woke up early and had an early breakfast.

We had another preparatory meeting for the actual press conference. Everyone was very busy; everyone was nervous, restless and going to the toilet. We reviewed the possible questions to be asked and our answers. I am happy that Ate Hope suggested the question, what will I do if I am in the government. It was one of the questions asked during the press conference.

I was not so nervous during the press conference since there were not so many people. I am happy that while questions were being asked I am able to think of my answers right away. At last I was able to tell everyone about the situation of children in our community. This is my first experience being questioned by so many people many of them from the media. I am so happy… it is only in my dreams that I see myself being on television but now I can proudly say, Filipinos are a Great People! I am proud of myself because my mother said in her text message, “Congrats for a job well done.”

After the press conference many people continued asking questions outside of the conference room. Tom Mitchell said BBC will interview me at two in the afternoon and I immediately sent a text message to my parents. I could not believe that BBC World and BBC Radio want to interview me.

We had lunch in one of the restaurants in Bali Collection after all the interviews. I was disappointed because our order of food took a long time and I was not able to eat well and enjoy my meal. Ate Hope and I ate our lunch hurriedly because of the BBC interviews.

The BBC interviews went well. Their questions are similar to the questions in the press conference. The interview with BBC World Radio was longer than the interview with BBC World TV. I liked better the interview with BBC Radio because it was held under a shady tree unlike the TV interview which was held under the very hot sun. I was very tired after the interview so we went back to the hotel to rest. It was almost dinner time when I woke up, just in time for the dinner with IDS staff in Jimbaran.

During dinner Hanna and I became closer because we had a chance to talk and play in the beach together with Eni and Thomas. We were all so happy, waiting for the waves to come then running far back to shore to avoid getting wet. All of us got wet in the end. It was fun to see Thomas so scared of getting wet.

I am sad that Thomas and Lucy are going home tomorrow and our big family here will be incomplete. We had a farewell session with Thomas and Lucy. I admire Thomas he is like an older brother and the team leader of the under-18 delegates.

11 Dec. 2007

I started writing in my journal as soon as I woke up but did not finish because Ate Hope and I had to eat breakfast but I did not enjoy my meal because I had a toothache.

We started working on my blog after breakfast. It took us a long time to write the blog because I am trying to remember what happened the past days. While Ate Hope was writing and translating my blog I went back to my journal. I still did not finish my journal.

We had lunch again at the Bali Collection but not in the same restaurant we went to yesterday. Can you imagine, Hannah saw a crawling creature in her food yesterday (WooOhh!) So we decided to eat in another restaurant.

I am happy because Tom Tanner and Tom Mitchell were with us during our lunch. I went back to my journal right after I finished eating. While others were still eating Tom Mitchell said UNICEF is inviting me to their press conference. I did not give an answer because I want to know more information about their press conference before I make a decision. After lunch we went to the UNICEF booth in BICC to hear people from UNICEF explain about the press conference.

I did not like how the lady from UNICEF described the Filipinos. There are many other words that can describe Filipinos other than being “domestic workers”. This is the main reason why I did not want to join their press conference.

We went next to the IDS booth to talk about attending the European Union side event. We again prepared questions for our interview this time with Anders Wijkman. There was lots of food in the European Union side event. We ate first before entering the session room. The food was very delicious!

I did not understand anything in the side event because I was so sleepy. We decided to go out and rest while waiting for the session to finish before our interview with Anders Wijkman. It was good talking to Anders. Even though he is a foreigner, he does not speak fast.

After the interview, we had a debriefing session. We talked about our happiest moment and saddest moment during the conference. For me the happiest moment was during the actual press conference. The saddest moment was sleeping past eight in the evening because this is not good for children. After the debriefing, we said goodbye to Tom Tanner since this is our last day with him. I told him, “Goodbye Grandpa!”

We went straight to Angsa Putih Restaurant for the farewell dinner with Plan Indonesia-Gobogan. I cried because one of the performers had a scary mask. There was picture taking after the performance together with the scary man. I joined the picture taking and approached the man with the scary mask. I touched the mask so that next time will not be scared anymore.